HOWTO - Timesketch
Topic: Forensics
Analyze a case of a suspect exfiltrating data from a Windows 8.1 machine.
Table of Content
Plaso is a tool which extracts a huge number of events from a disk or file artifact.
Plaso has one huge downside though
Given the file is a list of events, it is rather slow to analyze the data using it.
This is where Timesketch comes into play
Timesketch is a web frontend which allows multiple users to analyze an indexed database of events concurrently and do analysis on this data.
A .plaso
file is a sqlite3 DB.
PLASO - Kali Linux
<strong>sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y</strong>
<strong>sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev libssl-dev</strong>
<strong>pip3 install plaso</strong>
PLASO - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (jammy)
<strong>sudo add-apt-repository universe</strong>
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gift/stable</strong>
<strong>sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install plaso-tools</strong>
<strong>> BONUS</strong>
If you run the docker container make a alias for the plaso terminal
alias plaso='docker run -t -i --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v /data:/data log2timeline/plaso'
<strong>sudo apt update</strong>
<strong>sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev libffi-dev</strong>
<strong>pip3 install timesketch</strong>
<strong>> BONUS</strong>
If you want to start the docker application after every reboot automatic.
Make a << <strong>sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/docker-compose-app.service</strong> >> file.
Description=Docker Compose Application Service
WorkingDirectory=/path/to/your/docker-compose/directory # Change this to the timesketch path of your installation
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker compose up -d
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker compose down
> Find your docker installation
<strong>sudo find / -name docker-compose.yml 2>/dev/null</strong>
> Find docker-compose
<strong>sudo find / -name docker-compose 2>/dev/null</strong>
> Activate the service
<strong>sudo systemctl enable docker-compose-app.service</strong>
<strong>sudo systemctl start docker-compose-app.service</strong>
> Find your docker nginx
<strong>docker ps | grep nginx</strong>
> Test nginx config
<strong>docker exec <em>[CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID]</em> nginx -t</strong>
> Get Logs for a docker container
<strong>docker logs <em>[CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID]</em></strong>
Data acquisiation
The first step would normally be acquiring the data using plaso. The command used for this exercise is the following: windows-81.plaso /dev/sda
> Log in to the Interface
> Click <strong>Blank sketch</strong> and enter a name
> Add the Plaso file as a timeline and wait for the indexing to finish